Maximum height at Kanaalpeil (= NAP- 50cm). Information on current water levels can be obtained from the Tesselsebrug bridge operator phonenumber: +31 725117135.

- *Friesebrug ± 3,90m
- Noorderbrug ± 3,00m (fixed)
- *Ringersbrug ± 3,05m
- *Tesselsebrug ± 2,85m (fixed)
- *Victoriebrug  ± 3,18m (fixed)
- Spoorbrug ± 3,18m
- *Huiswaarderbrug ± 5,90m (fixed)
- *Vlielandbrug ± 2,90m
- *Koedijkervlotbrug 0.00m 
- *Rekervlotbrug 0.00m
- Leeghwaterbrug ± 4,73m
- Kraspolderbrug ± 2,50m
- *Nelson Mandelabrug ± 3,70m (closed) - ± 4,90m (open)

All Alkmaar bridges marked with an asterisk (*) are operated by the bridge operator of the Tessels bridge. He or she will also be able to tell you the current water levels in Alkmaar.

Bridge operator Tessels Bridge: phonenumber: +31 725117135 or call via the VHF channel 20. If you do not have a mariphone on board, you can alert a number of bridges in Alkmaar via pushbuttons.